Shiv Kushwah

Where I've Been

Check out what types of things I've been up to professionally

Personal Experiences

Check out what I've been up to!


I've presented in different academic and professional conferences on security and privacy topics.

League of Legends

I played League of Legends as a jungler and climbed from Iron 3 to Silver 1 in Season 12, ending the season with a 57% win rate. I mained Shyvana but played a fair amount of Khazix. Check out my here!


I've been playing Guitar on and off since about the 6th grade. I've made a few videos over the years, feel free to check them out

Maker Projects

I've made quite a few things over the years, and some of them were "good" enough to make a video about :)


Finally, here are some (embarrassing? funny?) skits I've been part of.