Shiv Kushwah



Welcome! I'm Shiv, a software engineer working in the Valley. I graduated from UC Berkeley with my Master’s and Bachelor’s in EECS, and my research interests lie in the intersection of computer systems and security. Over the last few years, I've been invovled in industry, academia, and entrepreneurship, and I'm excited to share my story. Let's dive in!

Where I've Been

  • Software Engineer - Meta Applied Privacy Technology Team
    July 2020 - Present

    Core Developer of Anonymous Credential Service, enabling de-identified authentication at scale (hundreds of thousands requests per second). Work on crypto library, C++ backend service, mobile SDKs (Android/iOS), and operational infrastructure

  • Researcher - UC Berkeley Learn&Verify Lab
    August 2019 - May 2020

    Developed PSec, a programming language to create secure distributed systems with information flow control type system by leveraging Intel SGX and extending the P language

  • SWE (Systems/Security) Intern - Facebook Authorization Team
    May 2019 - August 2019

    Created new mechanism of granting ACL access that reduces our attack surface by issuing temporary access and renewing based on calculated utilization threshold

  • SWE (Mobile/Security) Intern - Workday Next Team
    May 2018 - August 2018

    Implemented complex cryptography schemes such as Camenisch-Lysyanskaya group signatures as part of Workday Next blockchain application. Created Java Spring REST microservice + Android Blockchain Wallet app

  • SWE (Backend) Intern - Yahoo Tripod/Flickr Team
    May 2017 - Aug 2017

    Made existing unique media ID generator into a REST microservice (Java Spring) with a Redis backfill that is called each time a new item is added to the current backend database (~20 requests per second)

  • University of California, Berkeley
    Aug 2016 - May 2020

    M.S. EECS (Computer Systems & Security Emphasis) | B.S. EECS
    Systems • Security • Mobile App Development (MDB Developer)
    Graduated with High Honors

  • California High School.
    Aug 2012 - June 2016

    "A" Grade Average
    NOP Coding Club (Founder/President), Robotics Team, Men's Tennis

Quotes That Inspire

Latest Spotlights


3 weeks until second year at Cal is over? Why not make a start-up?
The Peer-to-Peer Storage Solution.

Lessons from Two Years at College

I can't believe it's half over. It's been amazing so far; there are lessons I am carrying forward into my last two years.

Dive in!
The Priya S. Choreo Project

Q: What happens when 3 generations of Azaad get together?
A: Sheer Awesome.

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